
Bruce Steven Dolin, Psy.D. is a clinical psychologist practicing in Beverly Hills, California.  He can be contacted at poptheworld at att.net.

Born in Chicago, Bruce Dolin’s first love was movies.  He graduated from the University of Michigan with a B.A. in literature and film, and then earned his M.F.A. at NYU graduate film school.  He directed television and wrote numerous screenplays before his travails in Hollywood helped him realize that his true voice, calling and passion was as a psychologist.  He earned his doctorate in clinical psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology.  Dr. Dolin went to work in the trenches of non-profit mental health, working with group home kids, special needs kids and severely emotionally disturbed children in the “system.”  He also worked as a consultant at a private school and built a private practice in Beverly Hills where he particularly enjoys working with parents, as well as with writers, musicians, painters and sculptors.  The Privilege of Parenting represents the distillation of eighteen years of clinical experience as a psychologist.  Dr. Dolin lives in Studio City, California with his wife of twenty years, the film curator Andrea Alsberg, and their sons Nate and Will, and also their rescued bulldog-boxer, Agnes.

In an age of managed care nightmares he is proud to be a member of zero health insurance panels.   Although he practices in Beverly Hills, Dr. Dolin maintains a commitment to giving back and offers sliding-fee treatment and a healthy amount of pro-bono work.  With his book, and with this blog, Dr. Dolin strives to share what he knows and make it more widely available to parents who might not otherwise gain access to the level of care and insight that he is able to offer his clients.

19 Responses to “About”

  1. Jared Says:

    Dear Dr. Dolin,
    I really enjoyed reading your comment posted on NYT-online concerning how parents approach the issue of sleep with their infants. Thank you. I look forward to reading more of your posting on your blog.
    with best regards,

  2. Alana Says:

    Oh yay! An aware parent who is also a psychologist. Keeping you on file for referral purposes – and very much enjoying the blog.

  3. Christine "Blisschick" Reed Says:

    I keep meaning to come over here and thank you for the long and thoughtful comment you left on my post about traditional talk therapy. Finally…here I am, saying thank you. 🙂

    What you write brings to mind something I was recently listening to — an Anthony De Mello talk. De Mello, I’m sure you know, was a Jesuit Priest and a psychotherapist. When he spoke of therapy, he said most people don’t want a cure, but rather, they simply want relief, and that’s about what therapy has to offer.

    It reminded me so much of what you wrote on my blog. 🙂

    I wonder…what differentiates the person who wants a cure from most people who simply want relief? This is a big question for me…one I don’t think can really be answered, though sometimes, I think that reincarnation can explain it a bit — but that is the ultimate NON answer, is it not? 🙂

  4. Matt Rhodes Says:

    Thank you so much for dropping by my blog and for your comment. I’ve learned that one of the great things about life – and parenting and religion and politics and all that that life entails – is the diversity of opinion that makes us all as unique as the things that we share. I’ve really enjoyed looking at your blog and have linked it to mine for future visits; I hope you’ll do the same!

  5. chris white Says:

    hey bruce,
    i have enjoyed your blog posts and comments on Essential Parenting. keep them all coming!

  6. privilegeofparenting Says:

    Thanks for that—I enjoy and appreciate your efforts to help parents via deeper thinking and particularly like the sense that we’re gathering toward a common ethic of caring about each other and all our kids.

    Blessings to you too. Namaste

  7. Jennifer Gruskoff Says:

    Hi Bruce,

    I love the Abby Normal piece so much, and I am wondering if we could put it on Goodkin today? I would of course link it right back to you. Let me know if that would be something you’d be interested in.


  8. Barbra Says:

    I stumbled upon your blog this evening in a moment of needing a little parental support. My heartfelt thanks to you for sharing your experience and wisdom, I wish I would have found your site earlier and know now that I will be checking in often.

    My son said he hated himself tonight and my heart sank. I found your post about when kids say they hate themselves and found the words that I needed to find encouragement, strength and wisdom, and the reminder to stop and listen. In the morning I will talk less and listen more.

    With gratitude,

  9. Kirsten Says:

    Thanks Bruce,
    Looking forward to following your blog. You have such a serenity about your writing.

  10. “… and the women who love them” | Big Little Wolf's Daily Plate of Crazy Says:

    […] © BD / Privilege of Parenting […]

  11. Bonnie Hamilton Says:

    hello, another psychologist mentioned my ex and I should read your blog. I have read one entry just now and I am impressed and touched by your writing, and I am so grateful that I now have access your insightful words to help me navigate parenting my 15 year old.
    In the “about” section a book is mentioned. Is this in the works or already published. I do not see a reference to it here or when I google your name.
    thank you,

    • privilegeofparenting Says:

      Hi Bonnie,

      I’m heartened that you are interested in my book, which I hope to launch in the coming months. If you subscribe to Privilege of Parenting you will be sure to know when it’s ready—and in the meantime I appreciate your kind words and hope that some of the other posts will be of use.

      All Good Wishes, Bruce

  12. Confessions of an Unknown Author… « Meagan Frank- Choosing to Grow Says:

    […] it is Dr. Bruce Dolin , Karen Pavlicin, and John Bradshaw, who are helping me to realize that sometimes just offering is […]

  13. Stephanie Hayutin Says:

    am very interested in your work and wisdom, and I look forward to learning more.

  14. Garrett Says:

    Your son Nate is a boss.

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